Security robots

Artificial intelligence STARTUP IDEA

Idea Description

The idea is a security robot dedicated to monitoring crimes, suspicious situations, accidents of all kinds 
The advantages of this robot is that it contains a 360-degree camera that captures the area in all directions, in addition to containing a 360-degree coordinate radar .

For example, if two crimes or two accidents occur in two locations in the same area, but in a different direction, the incident is monitored with the coordinates and sent to the security team, where the patrol and security assistance will reach the same location by itself without the need to search in all the area .
As you know, Amman, especially the governorates, does not have house numbers or street numbers to facilitate the process of describing the site of an accident or fire, or even suspicious operations such as drug theft, etc.

How will this robot work and who is in control of it or to say the owner of this robot .

The robot will work under the responsibility of the Royal Oman Police and its security team, it will facilitate the work of the coast guard team as well to monitor drug smuggling and any suspicious operation.
Where the work of robots can be expanded to include the marine field to include areas .

And we focus on the security borders, as you know, sometimes smuggling operations take place and intruders are monitored illegally, and to confront these situations, the brave soldiers of Oman who are present, especially in the Al-Mazyona area, which is rich from. 
Market size: currently local 



Challenges The Idea is Addressing

The robot helps keep pace with the vision with actions that protect the citizen. The robot provides greater insight into the site conditions and enhances the ability of security professionals to respond quickly and effectively to risks, manage and report them by providing tools and information that help the security teams connected to the robot to analyze data and send it to the operations center and work more intelligently, and better coordinated. otherwise the robot also provides information on: real-time custom workflow maps, reporting trend analysis, tracking and compliance, and remote management functions, so that the robot helps reduce security and safety incidents by 20% to 50%. Border robot: It is located on the borders of Oman, and it monitors fugitives, armed men, infiltrators, or intruders, whoever it may be. The coordinates are sent to the Operations Department, and they analyze the data. Also, the robot contains magnetic panels that pull weapons and then throw a net to confine them until the soldiers arrive to arrest them. The idea of ​​​​the border reduce the shooting and shooting operations, and it will be the last step, and it will only take place by receiving orders from the Operations Department present in the border building. (The way the magnetic board works and its size I cannot determine because I do not have experience with military weapons.) Marine robot: People who go to the sea and face some problems, such as weather problems that lead to puncturing boats and their sinking or collision. The robot monitors these incidents and informs the Coast Guard. Also, fugitives, smugglers and infiltrators at the maritime borders can be monitored and reported by the robot.

Benefits of Idea Implementation

First: Safety is one of the most important basic pillars that the state cares about and the necessary support to maintain it. The idea of ​​this project is direct support for the pillars, the most prominent of which is the protection of citizens and a sense of reassurance. With the spread of many crimes, accidents and disasters, we created an idea to reduce these problems, which is a robot that improves the quality of life in a safe way and provides high security services to societies and advanced smart technology to provide advanced solutions and an assistant to policemen. The design of the robot and its features depend on the area. For example, residential areas and streets, it will be a robot to monitor the coordinates of accidents and crimes and send the incident to the security team. As for the robot -related application management services, they are built with the highest quality, and specialists, professionals, administrators, and developers must be assigned to fully respond to bot operations, data and threat analysis, personal protection, investigations, and emergency armed disasters.

Team Members

Team Member


Laila Al Saadi




Last Update:- 15 April 2023


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