Idea ParticipatedIdeas Participated
Idea ParticipatedExperts Engaged


General Sport Sports Oman mcsy
Featured challenge



Challenge Description

In pursuance of the Omani Sports' Strategy Targets that are aligned with Oman Vision 2040 under the Pillar (Sports & Society), the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth has been working on raising the level of culture awareness of the society and individuals about the importance of physical activity and sports and its impact on the physical and mental health, in addition to activating the physical activity of individuals within the society, so that the physical activity becomes a life style, and not just temporary practices, and to achieve this objective, the society will be participate for achieving it by launching a competition in the name of "THE COMPETITION OF THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE, SPORTS AND YOUTH FOR THE SPORTS PROJECTS", which aims to change societal attitudes into a healthy lifestyle that would bring about clear results in the Society, and can participate individually, collectively or institutionally. The Sports Projects Winners of the Top 5 will culminate in awarding cash awards.


Competition-related objectives:

  • Encouraging all member of society to create projects that will ensure living a more healthy and vibrant life by activating physical activity and making it a lifestyle.
  • Cultivating a culture of initiative, creativity and innovation.
  • Raising the level of physical activity in the society.
  • Engaging all segments of society, including individuals, teams and institutions, in sports projects aimed at the society.
  • Creating sustainable sports projects that will contribute to advancing the process of economic development.


Participating Groups / The Procedural Definition of the Groups

  • Individuals: All Omani individuals who meet the competition conditions.
  • Universities, colleges and schools All eligible Omani individuals, government and private: All Omani students and employees in public and private universities, colleges and schools.
  • Non-Governmental Teams mean the various sports teams and committees of the sports clubs or sports centers, to which they have actual and effective affiliation.
  •  Civil Society Institutions mean voluntary organizations that seek to provide services for themselves and society without charge.
  • Small and Medium Enterprises mean all the approved and registered enterprises with the Authority of Small and Medium Enterprises Development (SMEs Development Authority).

Competition-related Areas

All physical activity and sports projects aimed at changing the behavior of society members towards a healthy lifestyle.


Competition-related Terms

  • A project to be presented by an Omani national.
  • should be the age is 14 years and above.
  • The Ministry's employees are not entitled to register the Competition.
  • Attach the following documents in Arabic and in PDF Format:
  • Individuals: CV of the project proponent.
  • Universities, colleges, and public and private schools: relevant documentsOrganization of the university, college or school.
  • Non-Governmental Teams: Subscription or Membership Certificate form the Club or Sports Center.
  • Civil Society Institutions: an official permit from the Ministry of Social Development in the capacity of this voluntary organization.
  • Small and Medium Enterprises: the commercial register and the attachments related to engage in commercial activity from the Authority of Small and Medium Enterprises Development (SMEs Development Authority).
  •  The Project Presenter must bear all legal consequences related to the intellectual property of the submitted project.
  • The submitted project mustn't be implemented in reality and didn't obtain any prize previously both inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman.
  • The Project Owner retain ownership of the projects and the Ministry has the right to implement the project in partnership with its owner.
  • The project results should have measurement indicators.


General Terms and Condition

  • This Manual shall be considered the only reference to the Competition.
  • The Supervisory Committee is solely responsible for interpreting the manual content.
  • The Winner shall attend personally in the official ceremony, unless he / she has a compulsive circumstance accepted by the Supervisory Committee.
  • The Committee's decision is effective and irrevocable.
  • The Committee is entitled to withdraw the prize from the winner in the event that a violation of the directives and requirements contained in this Manual is proven.


The Mechanism of Differentiation among the projects

  • A Neutral Award Committee will compare the projects and determine the winners of the competition, and its decisions will be considered valid.


Competition-related Cash Awards

  • 1st Place (5000) Omani rials.
  • 2nd Place (4000) Omani rials.
  • 3rd Place (3000) Omani rials.
  • 4th Place (2000) Omani rials.
  • 5th Place (1000) Omani rials.


Competition-related period of time

  • Submission of nominations starts on: 22 Aug 2023
  • The last date of submitting the nominations: 20 Oct 2023
  • The initial sorting: from 21 Oct until 18 Nov 2023
  • Announcing the winners and holding the honoring ceremony: Novmber - December


- المركز الأول (5000) ريال عماني - المركز الثاني (4000) ريال عماني - المركز الثالث (3000) ريال عماني - المركز الرابع (2000) ريال عماني - المركز الخامس (1000) ريال عماني

Who Should Participate


Voting Mechanism


Challenge Type

Cash Prize

Challenge Terms & Conditions

Click here to view

Evaluation Criteria

Click here to view

Evaluation Panel

وزارة الثقافة والرياضة والشباب

رئيس لجنة التحكيم والمفاضلة

وزارة الصحة

عضو لجنة التحكيم

جامعة السلطان قابوس

عضو لجنة التحكيم

وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية

عضو لجنة التحكيم

هيئة تنمية المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة

عضو لجنة التحكيم

Participating Ideas

Ideas Submitted Rank Votes Date of Submission  
1 Winner 5 25 October 2023


أنيسه الحوسنية

2 Winner 5 25 October 2023


Saba Al Sinani

3 Winner 5 25 October 2023

مسار 40.3

salma Al shokri

4 Winner 5 25 October 2023

The smart space of sporty life

AbdulRahman Al Jadidi

5 Winner 5 25 October 2023

Green Fit Farm

نوره الكلبانيه

6 5 25 October 2023


عهود عبدالعزيز

7 5 25 October 2023
8 5 25 October 2023

مسقط بايك

ريم الحارثي

9 5 25 October 2023

منصة خطوة

فاطمة الهنائي

10 5 25 October 2023


حفصة الحسنية

11 5 25 October 2023
12 5 25 October 2023
13 5 25 October 2023
14 5 25 October 2023

ريف مسقط

الخطاب المعمري

15 5 25 October 2023

منصة إلكترونية

هدى العلوي

16 5 25 October 2023
17 5 25 October 2023


Hisham Alriyami

18 5 25 October 2023

لاب داب عُمان / Lub Dub Oman

جهاد جبر البوسعيدي

19 5 25 October 2023

المدن الرياضية

يوسف الهاشمي

20 5 21 October 2023

الوزن المثالي

حبيب اللواتي

21 5 25 October 2023

مخيم انتماء

عائشة الكلبانية

22 5 18 October 2023
23 5 21 October 2023
24 5 25 October 2023

سبلة بركة الدار

حارب البرطماني

25 5 25 October 2023

تطبيق HealthGuard

Razan Al Oraimi

26 5 25 October 2023

قاعدة رياضية

فهد العبري

27 5 25 October 2023


طه باعمر

28 5 25 October 2023
29 5 25 October 2023
30 5 25 October 2023

أكاديمية إكواس

لجينة المعنية

31 5 25 October 2023

WellnessWonders Oman

Haitham AL Mahrouqi

32 5 25 October 2023
33 5 25 October 2023


Amaar Albadri

34 5 25 October 2023

تطبيق استمر

Maryam Al Shabibi

35 5 25 October 2023


مازن ربيع بخيت فرج بيت فرج

36 5 25 October 2023

تطبيق كوتش

حسن اللواتي

37 5 25 October 2023

تحدي الخسارة الرابحة

إبراهيم البوسعيدي

38 5 25 October 2023


جمانه البلوشي

39 5 25 October 2023
40 5 25 October 2023


عبدالهادي الصلتي

41 5 25 October 2023
42 5 22 October 2023


ميثاء الهنائي

43 5 25 October 2023
44 5 25 October 2023


Faris Al Busaidi

45 5 25 October 2023
46 5 25 October 2023

Calm Spa Lounge

حنان ثوعار المهري

47 5 25 October 2023


خليل العبري

48 5 25 October 2023
49 5 25 October 2023
50 5 25 October 2023

مزرعة مجتمعية

يمامة السديري

51 5 25 October 2023

مشروع حركة الحياة

محمد المردوف

52 5 25 October 2023
53 5 25 October 2023
54 5 25 October 2023
55 5 25 October 2023
56 5 25 October 2023

تطبيق مسارات

أفراح الصالحية

57 5 25 October 2023

تحت النخلة


58 5 25 October 2023
59 5 25 October 2023
60 5 25 October 2023

مُكملات رياضية

ميمونه الشكرية

61 5 25 October 2023

تطبيق هواتف رياضي

محمد المعشني

62 5 25 October 2023

التطوير الرياضي

يعقوب الخزيمي

63 5 25 October 2023
64 5 25 October 2023
65 5 25 October 2023
66 5 25 October 2023

المخيم الرياضي

عمر الكعبي

67 5 25 October 2023
68 5 25 October 2023

O.FIT Boutique

Osama Albulushi

69 5 25 October 2023

Kick Off

sumaya alshukri

70 5 25 October 2023

تطبيق تعال نتحدى

فاطمة الرحبية

71 5 25 October 2023

خارطة الطريق

يوسف الغنبوصي

72 5 25 October 2023
73 5 25 October 2023
74 5 25 October 2023

تطبيق تسليم الراية

عبدالعزيز العبري

75 5 25 October 2023

سوار طبي للرياضيين

فاطمة الزهراء الوردية

76 5 25 October 2023
77 5 21 October 2023
78 5 25 October 2023


بثينة مالك المعنية

79 5 25 October 2023

تطبيق سرينا

صفية الحوسنية

80 5 25 October 2023


bnt tamim

81 5 25 October 2023


Hamza Al-sawafi

82 5 21 October 2023
83 5 25 October 2023
84 5 25 October 2023

قد التحدي

سالم الريامي

85 5 25 October 2023
86 5 25 October 2023

تطبيق حياة

Osama Al-Shehimi

87 5 25 October 2023
88 5 25 October 2023
89 5 21 October 2023
90 5 25 October 2023


ريهـام المعمري

91 5 25 October 2023


عائشة سليمان عامر السعيدي

92 5 25 October 2023

حذاء طبي ذكي

almohanned alfarsi

93 5 25 October 2023
94 5 25 October 2023
95 5 25 October 2023

تطبيق تمرًن

Hisham Almamari

96 5 25 October 2023
97 5 25 October 2023

رياضة التيك

علي البرختي

98 5 25 October 2023

بقدمك تصل لعملك ..تعلو همتك

سالمة هلال الراسبية

99 5 25 October 2023
100 5 25 October 2023
101 5 25 October 2023
102 5 25 October 2023


محمد الشمري

103 5 25 October 2023
104 5 25 October 2023
105 5 25 October 2023

Sport Web

سيف المحروقي

106 5 25 October 2023
107 5 20 October 2023


sara alriyami

108 5 25 October 2023

خطوات ولا عنوه للدوام

الغالية الشكيلية

109 5 25 October 2023

عالم الترفيه

منذر عبدالله سالم الكاف

110 5 25 October 2023
111 5 25 October 2023
112 5 25 October 2023
113 5 21 October 2023

مشروع التثقيف الصحي

عبدالله بن ثاني بن س الغزيلي

114 5 25 October 2023
115 5 25 October 2023

التشافي بالرياضة

بدر المعولي

116 5 25 October 2023

حيوية تنبض بالحياة

طيف البلوشية

117 5 25 October 2023
118 5 25 October 2023
119 5 25 October 2023

sport helper’s robot

ريم العلوية

120 5 25 October 2023
121 5 25 October 2023


Mohana Al-Hudaifi

122 5 25 October 2023

ساعة تفرق

خديجة الهاشمي

123 5 25 October 2023
124 5 25 October 2023


نواف العبادي

125 5 25 October 2023
126 5 21 October 2023

Expert Insights

Aiman Al Zakwani Cofounder & CEO

The Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Youth's initiative to promote sports projects through its compe...

3 June 2024



دليل المسابقة للمشاريع الرياضية.pdf

:- 27 May 2024

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