Bizat Application

Banking and Finance Business

Idea Description

Bizat application



To be a digital financial assistant for individuals through the use of open banking systems.


the problem:

How do I measure my monthly disbursement? Where does my money go? These questions haunt us a lot, and everyone is looking for easy tools to help him solve this problem. But the solution does not lie in just one application or one idea, but rather an enabling legislative environment that helps employees and entrepreneurs to create different projects for solutions that help us arrange our lives, control our expenses, and raise the rate of saving and investment for individuals in a way that guarantees us financial freedom.


And from this standpoint, the idea of ​​creating an application that has the authority to know the financial situation of the customer, linking bank accounts directly, setting a specific goal, and then providing tools to help make a better decision without human intervention, but rather by using advanced artificial intelligence, and safety and protection from fraud is one of the most important Priorities that we are trying to avoid by setting strict laws and legislation.


Customer segments:

Employees, entrepreneurs and investors.


Value Added:

Providing tools to help make better decisions using artificial intelligence.




Main office and branch offices for "customer service"



Customer relationship:

Bizat application is concerned with services on a self-service basis, and the nature of the company's solutions requires that sales and relationship management staff work closely with customers to ensure that each customer's individual needs, requirements, and consultations are met. In this way, by providing reliable and efficient services, Baizat seeks to establish long-term relationships with its customers.


When providing its consulting services, Bizat employees are required to be present at the customers' premises and facilities, and to coordinate closely with the customers' employees on a monthly basis. Customer relations are also managed through the company's office network by a team of customer management personnel.


A company operates an electronic application, through which customers can access information related to the company's services, products and websites on a self-service basis. The company also provides contact details for its various departments, including separate phone numbers for inquiries allowing existing and prospective clients to easily reach the relevant staff.


Bizat is also able to communicate information to its customers through its social media accounts - including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter - Instgram and publishes company updates through its website blog and news sections.



Key activities:

  The application's main focus is on preparing short and long-term plans that are able to adapt to unexpected changes, as well as presenting investment opportunities and solutions to raise individual income such as (buying shares, investing in projects), we also seek to be a digital financial assistant for individuals through the use of open banking systems.




Key partners:


Bizat works with a range of partner companies and organizations to ensure that it provides its customers with efficient and effective services. Among its partners:

  • local banks
  • Companies specialized in making and developing applications


Key resources:

Baizat t's main resources are its people, technologies, personnel, ICT infrastructure and partnerships. The company's reputation depends in particular on the quality and speed of services provided by its dedicated employees, making the reliability of these employees key to the company's business.


Bizat also considers customer service quickly as one of its top priorities, so customer offices are spread in many easy-to-reach locations.


Cost structure:

Bizat incurs costs by paying salaries and benefits to its employees, developing technologies, and paying for developments. The company also incurs costs by managing its partnerships and maintaining its ICT systems.


Revenue Streams:


Returns and income are collected through the preparation of subscriptions and the amount of good reputation and circulation when solving problems that the customer seeks to reach.


Measure return on investment:

We will use it to measure the profitability rate of a particular investment option or when comparing several investment options

It is calculated in the following way:

Terminal value - investment cost = output / investment cost


If I invested in a project and the investment cost was 5,000,000, and after a year it became 6,000,000, how will the return on investment be calculated?



To get the percentage = 0.2 * 100 = 20%

Challenges The Idea is Addressing

1/Linking directly with banks. 2/Giving a comprehensive report of disbursements. 3/Automatic classification of the client's physical condition.

Benefits of Idea Implementation

1/ To be a digital financial assistant for individuals through the use of open banking systems 2/Preparing short and long-term plans that are able to adapt to unexpected changes. 3/Presenting investment opportunities and solutions to raise per capita income, such as (buying shares, investing in projects).

Team Members

Team Member


Bodoor Al Moqbali



168158134196Red and Blue Trading Financial Business Logo (2).png

Last Update:- 15 April 2023


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