Meal kit delivery service

Food & Beverage STARTUP IDEA Jadeer

Idea Description

Meal kit delivery service offers fresh flavourful ingredients with simple delicious healthy recipe which are delivered to the customer’s doorstep. The corona-virus pandemic changed a lot of shopping and eating habits for so many people. Therefore, we are willing to do all the grocery shopping ,packaging and delivering for customers through an online application. Our mission is to make the journey of cooking easier, more fun and make you a great chef.

We target customers with busy lifestyles, who mostly depend on instant cooking or frozen food. As well as people who want to learn how to cook or improve their cooking skills and people who can’t keep a healthy lifestyle and aiming for one. Also people who do not like to shop and prep things and wish to have things just simply delivered for them. Our target market are individuals starting from the age 18 up to 38.

A survey was conducted to validate the market size and to get to know the opinion of the society about this kind of service. It was very noticeable that the responses were positive about our service meeting the potential customer’s needs. The market of meal kits is growing dramatically all around the world and fills with competitors monthly. So, what will make this idea to become the next attraction centre in the business of meal kits is its ability to stretch according to the customer’s need whether it was in the type of diet, amount of portion, period of subscription, etc. The survey also showed that 45% of the respondents are willing to purchase and try what we offer. Additionally, according to customer’s perspective, there are many important features to take into consideration including the quality, price, variety of offers, special diet and flexible portions.

Regardless of the nature of the Omani families when it comes to grocery shopping and eating habits, most of the individuals in our society are aware enough about the healthy eating habits and some of them prefer having portioned ingredients to cook their own meals. Subscription method will ease the process of ordering whether it be for one individual or two or a family of 6. In addition, the period can also be chosen by the customer (weekly and monthly plans) and different kinds of dieting including Keto, Vegan Diet, Low-Carb Diet, Low-Fat Diet, Gluten-free diet, etc. The customer has the full control from the ingredients to the delivery time to the subscription period.

Challenges The Idea is Addressing

Fresh-food meal kit delivery service provide consumers with a selection of fresh ingredients as well as a recipe for assembling the meal. The number of individuals with health issues has increased, such as diabetes and hypertension, especially in the younger age ranges. People’s lives have become busier, leaving less time for cooking, but the ability to cook remains an essential life skill. We seek to provide to our customers a way to learn culinary skills, enabling them to lead healthy and fulfilling lives and to save cost and time.

Benefits of Idea Implementation

The delivery service has been gaining high popularity and adoption among generation Y and Z. The increasing preference for the product is driven by the benefits of homemade meals as they are more economical in comparison to takeouts and home delivery services. Additionally, several trends have developed after the pandemic, many customers are interested in eating organic food due to the current health trends and environmental concerns. Lifestyle choices are also a growing trend, we can make it simple to live a vegan/keto lifestyle while also providing a wide range of options. This service will make the life of their customers easier and healthier by providing variety collection of boxes including different types of dieting or even customized boxes filled with all the needed ingredients to cook a certain meal for those who are in need because of their busy life or to just have a fun cooking night at the weekend.

Team Members

Team Member


Istabraq AlMaskari




Last Update:- 15 April 2023


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Last Update:- 15 April 2023


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