E Nursing Services


Idea Description

Many patients and others who require specialized medical care may not have easy access to medical services. In certain circumstances, the elderly do not have somebody to drive them to the hospital for medical services such as wound cleansing, dressing, periodic check-ups, fracture splinting, and other procedures. The causes differ from family to family, since some youngsters are absent from medical appointments due to jobs or other obligations. Some families lack a driver's license or even own a car. And there are many other factors that cannot be discussed just now. At the same time, many health professionals are looking for supplemental income to supplement their income and pay all of their expenses.

Creating an app for smart phones that delivers basic medical and nursing services to individuals in need, will sove the above issue. The application's concept is to bring together users who want to receive treatment or basic medical care in their homes after providing a detailed description of their condition and needs, and nurses and specialists who want to provide their services for a fee in order to visit the patient at his home and provide care tailored to his specific needs.

Users register their personal information as well as their medical care needs in full detail, whether for themselves or their family, in the program. It also provides a list of doctors and nurses who are willing to provide paid medical care in their spare time or after hours. 
Finally, administrators assist users with technological issues and evaluate data from both users and medical specialists to verify completeness and correctness. For example, administrators are responsible for checking the data of the medical team or program participants to ensure the data's legitimacy in terms of receiving the necessary certificates and qualifications, as well as experiences connected to their profession. It is critical that their whereabouts be determined, making it easier for users to access them and shortening the time it takes to reach clients and users of the program.

For mobile app development, there are numerous common development tool frameworks. I prefer using the Flutter tool, although other tools can be used according to the situation/needs.

This system will be hosted in the Sultanate by a local cloud service provider, ensuring that users' information (patients and medical professionals) remains within the Sultanate's boundaries and that the Sultanate's laws apply to it. One of the benefits of hosting the program with a local cloud service provider is that it can assist in lessening cybersecurity threats since the hosting company is expected to have experience and high-level protective security.

The business model will be based on the cost of each service. The application should include the list of services with their prices. The payment can do online, by the application itself. The payment gate can be through Thawani, for example. 


Challenges The Idea is Addressing

Many patients, the elderly, and those who live distant from hospitals and clinics require nursing services, which demand a significant amount of time and money. In some circumstances, sons care for their elderly parents at home, but they are devoted to office job and labor regulations that demand them to work long hours, which keeps them away from home and unable to meet their parents' health needs. Also, the family car may not be available at home due to poverty or because a family member utilizes it for work, transit, and shopping, resulting in missed medical appointments, and that will lead to waiting for another appointment which is critical in some conditions. Delays in providing nursing services such as dressing, cleaning wounds, and supplying sanitary needles, among other things, can aggravate the situation and lead to major consequences. Due to work duties and other commitments, sons may not always be accessible to take their parents to the nearest health center for treatment. Also, many people who work in healthcare would benefit from financial assistance. They're prepared to offer high-quality services that can help them earn money. In addition, there are times when hospitals just can't take in any more patients.

Benefits of Idea Implementation

Offering health services over the phone simplifies the entire procedure. Everyone can request the health services and attention they require and reach out to a variety of medical professionals in their area. This will assist in improving the quality of health care and making health services more accessible to those in need. It also enables sons to care for their parents without the need to visit hospitals or private clinics. There is also no need to wait for appointments that may be lengthy. Furthermore, some nurses can volunteer their skills and use their leisure time to help the community while also improving their financial status. Because persons in need of medical care and specialists are brought together in one program, this application saves money and provides simple access to professionals who specialize in medical care. In addition, providing such services will enhance cabability of hospitals to accommodate more patients/emergency cases when needed.

Keywords / Tags

healthcare, application, e services

Proposed Number of Team Members


Keywords / Tags

healthcare application e services

Team Members

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