
Startups Business

Idea Description

It is an interactive electronic application in the field of education. It includes the latest educational methods and means designed for students from the first primary grade until the twelfth grade.

What will the students and teachers get from this application?

First: Explanations of all lessons by a funny cartoons way.
Second: When subscribing to the application, the student will receive two boxes:
-The first box contains books that include test questions and comprehensive exercises for each lesson
-The second box, on which is written, is forbidden to open until the week of the test. It contains two tests for each subject that the student must try to solve before going to the exam in order to measure his understanding.
-The third box contains motivational phrases, a notebook, an annual calendar, and a time management chart...

Third: The application contains two means of entertainment:

-The first: There are reinforcement points, for example (stars), which the student  collects. Then they can be used in the application's store  to buy educational games or school supplies. 
-Second: The application can give the student reinforcement points that help him change the clothes of the avatar, according to his interaction with the activities and games of the program.
Third, a private teachers can enter the program, and students can participate with them. The program will have a percentage of the amount paid by the student.

Challenges The Idea is Addressing

Among the challenges that may face this application: 1- We need a professional graphic designer. 2- Using Graphics to create cartoon characters is costly and requires a longe time.

Benefits of Idea Implementation

This application has several benefits: From a financial point of view, it is a good investment source He will have a substitute bladder for the private tutor who will incur transportation costs. It will make it easier for the student to obtain all the academic information in an interesting way.

Team Members

Team Member


Amal Al Battashi




Last Update:- 20 March 2023


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