product management system

Startups Business

Idea Description

Unsafe food and drug products pose a major threat to human health and the economy, and early detection of their expiration date is an ongoing necessity. Today, many supermarkets are keen to see the production date and validity as soon as it goes on sale. The daily inspection process is subject to many obstacles and possibly human errors such as taking a long time, especially with the countless number of available and upcoming products, and the destruction of final products that are not usable and selling with sometimes forgetting the inspection process.

The easy product management system is based on the scanner to read the production and expiry date of the product and the rest of the information related to the product and store it in the database in the system, where it then uses it to alert the shop and workers of the expiry date of the products.




Challenges The Idea is Addressing

- fast service available anytime anywhere - In terms of security and privacy, with the number of products that increase (some of them are similar in more than one store) and the number of stores that will be registered in the system, there must be a mechanism that preserves the data

Benefits of Idea Implementation

- To Contribute to the protection of customers and supermarket management from health and economic damage if expired products remain

Team Members

Team Member


Budur Al Khawaldi




Last Update:- 15 March 2023


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