Motherhood platform

  • SectorSocial
  • Category Health

15 March 2023 by Nassra Alamri

Idea Description

Many mothers face difficulty in accessing health services for themselves and their children, especially mothers who are about to become pregnant. Therefore, I am pleased to present the idea of the maternity platform, which is a special platform to promote motherhood and children. This platform facilitates many services provided by the Ministry of Health to the mother. This platform focuses on the mother from the beginning of her pregnancy until her birth, and then it is completed with the platform until the child reaches 6 years. This is because during this period the child needs more attention in terms of health, such as taking vaccinations and others. In addition to tips and instructions for mother and child in nutrition. This platform provides a calendar and alarms for the mother’s appointments during pregnancy and the dates of the child’s immunizations and their benefits. It also allows communication with specialized doctors and nutritionists.

Challenges The Idea is Addressing

Difficulty communicating the idea of the application to adult mothers who are unable to read or use applications. It can be solved with the help of one of her family.

Benefits of Idea Implementation

1- No need to use the green or red paper card during pregnancy and childbirth. 2- Easier and faster reminder for the mother of her and the child's appointments without the need to call. 3- Increase awareness of vaccinations

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