
Startups Business

Idea Description

Speedemploy company allows you to find the right person for the job in brief time. Recruiting and choosing the best candidate for the job takes several processes that requires time, effort and resources. Speedemploy will help companies to recruit the right person in short time. Our company is specially designed for job seekers to provide them with part time jobs or fixed jobs depending on the company request. As an example if a company needs an extra hand to finish the project they are working on, then all they have to do is contact speedemploy company and ask for a part time candidate who suits the description for the job. Then speedemploy will choose the right person for the job. This will satisfy both parties, job seekers will be fully paid for their services and it will enhance them to work hard and motivate them. As for the organizations, they will complete their job and their productivity will increase. With speedemploy available, company don’t need to be scared to find another employee if an employee was fired or retired from the job. Similarly, the HR department for the companies can let us recruit instead of them, this will help to decrease recruitment pressure on the HR departments and they can focus on more important tasks to finish and work smoothly. Speedemploy company allows you to find the right person for the job in brief time. Recruiting and choosing the best candidate for the job takes several processes that requires time, effort and resources. Speedemploy will help companies to recruit the right person in short time. Our company is specially designed for job seekers to provide them with part time jobs or fixed jobs depending on the company request. As an example if a company needs an extra hand to finish the project they are working on, then all they have to do is contact speedemploy company and ask for a part time candidate who suits the description for the job. Then speedemploy will choose the right person for the job. This will satisfy both parties, job seekers will be fully paid for their services and it will enhance them to work hard and motivate them. As for the organizations, they will complete their job and their productivity will increase. With speedemploy available, company don’t need to be scared to find another employee if an employee was fired or retired from the job. Similarly, the HR department for the companies can let us recruit instead of them, this will help to decrease recruitment pressure on the HR departments and they can focus on more important tasks to finish and work smoothly.

Challenges The Idea is Addressing

The use of Robotic process automation and AI

Benefits of Idea Implementation

The advantages of using the Speedemploy are as follows: - It enhances Hiring Performance as well as objectively - Attracts the suitable candidate and receive less irrelevant applications - Saves time and fill positions quickly

Team Members

Team Member


Fatma Alhinai

Team Member


Haitham Albalushi

Job Seeker




Last Update:- 13 March 2023


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