Intelligent sign language recognition for deaf and dumb people

Innovation and Creativity Social

Idea Description

In the world there are many people who find difficult to speak and listen, in same time they have many talents, skills and ideas, but they cannot share these things with other people because other people cannot understand them. To overcome these problems our project come in the picture. Intelligent sign language for deaf and dumb design to improve the communication process between the people who cannot speak or listen properly and other people. Moreover, it’s increased the self-confidence of them and give them chances to be effective people in the society. The concept of our project is converting the sign language into the text and speech through small code. The project will implement by using a glove that contains of the electrical circuit made up of several components which are Arduino Nano, five flex senser, accelerometer and gyro senser connected to mobile phone through the Bluetooth. This project design to get only letter and word we cannot use it to create the sentences. In addition, not all types of mobile phone accept Bluetooth connection. The sign language it deferent from one country to other country and from one language to other language. So, we can implement this project based in deferent sign language

Challenges The Idea is Addressing

is if the Bluetooth connection is down, cannot send message to the mobile phone. The project cannot design the sentences because each senser create one letter or one word. Also, in one time we can create only five word or five letters. In addition, people find it difficult to represent letter using sign language. They cannot control the movement of their fingers. We can increase the performance of the project by using senser and other components with high rate. And design it to create the sentences instead of words and letters. Design special app which is support all the type of phone

Benefits of Idea Implementation

To increase the communication level between normal people and people who cannot speak or listen or both. also, to raise the level of self-confidence of them, explore their skills and talents. Hence, use them to develop the community and give more chance to them in the job.

Proposed Number of Team Members


Team Members

Team Member


Riham Said




Last Update:- 21 June 2023


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