The one pharmacy

Startups Business Jadeer

Idea Description

The one pharmacy is pharmacy through mobile application. The one pharmacy application is a collabration between local pharmacy stores and delivery service. The application would be similar to traditional pharmacy, since it would provide a supply of prescribed and non-prescribed medication. It would also offer cosmetics, vitamins and other items. The application would start with one local pharmacy providing a delivery service, and then would grow adding local and international pharmacies. The one pharmacy would provide a 24/7 chat with pharmacists for individuals that unaware of which medicence to take.The would as well be an automated AI chats. Following approval for the prescribed medicinane service would be administered along with the Ministry of Health. The delivery service would be handled by a third party which would be a 24/7. The one pharmacy application would charge commission of 2-3 percentage. Furthermore, through subscription, non-members would not be able to purchase prescribe medication or chat with pharmacists. The one pharmacy is just the first stage of idea. In the second stage it would include both the application and a drive through pharmacy.

Challenges The Idea is Addressing

It is rare to find a pharmacy application that holds all three features: A 24/7 live chat with pharmacists. The availability to order prescribe and non-prescribe medication. A 24/7 home delivery service

Benefits of Idea Implementation

It would provide a proper support from pharmacists which was needed especially during Covid.It is time and money saving patients would need to drive to pharmacy and wait for their turn. It would mostly beneficial for elderly people . Online pharmacies share useful information about medicines and illness. It would provide more jobs .

Team Members

Team Member


Maryam Almazroey



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Last Update:- 15 April 2023


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