Design and Implementation of Electronic Voting

General STARTUP IDEA Jadeer

Idea Description

The project is to design and implement an electronic voting system. Currently, manual voting involves several difficulties, both for voters and for organizers of events. Often, numbers of voters are too large so they take more time, cost and effort to complete voting process. On the other hand, organizers of events require more time to counts votes. In addition, disable voters cannot able to cast their votes. Moreover, it may occur crime and fraudulence activities with manual voting. As result, the objective is to develop a system to solve these problems. After the system, complete successfully. It will provide speed and convenience to voters as well as considerable ease and accurate for election committee as they can obtain electronic results faster than conventional methods. It has an authentication that will handle details about the voter, candidates and election committee. The system will provide fast and easy way of conducting voting process therefore it reduces time, effort and cost for both voters and organizers of events as well as it provides accuracy and reliability in voting process.

Challenges The Idea is Addressing

Coding process

Benefits of Idea Implementation

1.The main objectives of the project is to develop electronic voting system. 2. As sub-objective, the proposed system will provide all the processes required by the end users, for example perform election request forms, cast vote, count result and publish result within secure framework.

Team Members

Team Member


Aza AL Naimi




Last Update:- 15 April 2023


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