
Renewable Energy Business
Idea Implementation Progress 20%

Idea Description

Green H2 focuses on producing green and yellow hydrogen using renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind power. Green hydrogen is produced by electrolyzing water using renewable electricity, while yellow hydrogen is produced using natural gas, but with carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology to reduce carbon emissions. The company aims to provide a sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuel-based hydrogen production methods, which are environmentally damaging.

Challenges The Idea is Addressing

Challenges the idea is addressing: The idea addresses several challenges, including: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: By using renewable energy sources for hydrogen production, the company can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is a critical factor in mitigating climate change. Energy security: By producing hydrogen using renewable energy, the company can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and increase energy security. Cost: Currently, green hydrogen is more expensive to produce than traditional hydrogen production methods. However, with the growing demand for hydrogen and advancements in technology, the cost of production is expected to decrease in the future.

Benefits of Idea Implementation

Implementing this idea has several benefits, including: Environmental sustainability: The production of green and yellow hydrogen using renewable energy sources helps reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the impact of climate change. Energy security: By producing hydrogen using renewable energy, the company can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and increase energy security. Economic benefits: As the demand for hydrogen increases, the market for green and yellow hydrogen production is expected to grow, creating new jobs and economic opportunities. Technological advancement: The implementation of this idea encourages research and development in the field of renewable energy and carbon capture technology, which can lead to technological advancements in other sectors as well.

Team Members

Team Member


Fatma Alhinai

Team Member


Bodoor Al Moqbali

Job Seeker

Team Member


Ahmed Al-Abri

Job Seeker

Team Member


Rayan Alalawi

Job Seeker

Team Member


Haitham Albalushi




Last Update:- 14 March 2023


Idea Progress

Sr no. Milestone Stage Start Date End Date % Weightage out of project Status
1 Started the production process blue print 19-03-2023 21-03-2023 5% Completed
2 Design of the marketing plan 21-03-2023 27-03-2023 5% Inprogress
3 Product research into both green and yellow hydrogen and there uses 18-03-2023 27-03-2023 10% Inprogress

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